Our story is a long one. It is full of ups and downs and emotional roller coasters. I summarized as much as I could. I hope to someday write a more detailed article. But for now, here it goes.
I never dreamed I would have twins. We especially never would have imagined that I would have them in the middle of a pandemic. These are truly my miracle babies. Hundreds of people have prayed for these precious little girls. I truly believe that is the only reason that they are still here. My babies were diagnosed with a disease called twin to twin transfusion syndrome. It is a very rare disease that only affects identical twins sharing a placenta. The doctors gave them a 5% chance of survival if nothing was done during my pregnancy. We are praising God that I was able to fly and have surgery in utero at 20 weeks. Even with the surgery, doctors gave me a 30% chance of walking away from the hospital with two babies. God was so merciful and allowed both of my girls to come though the surgery. After many, many ultrasounds they were delivered eight weeks early. A little over a month later, they both came home without oxygen, without feeding tubes, and without monitors. All because of the grace of God. We took their “newborn” photos at six weeks old. 😂 They turned out beautiful and I will cherish them for years to come.