More than any other question, clients ask us what they should wear to their session! Coordinating outfits can be daunting and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are some tips.
START WITH ONE PERSON. I would try starting with mom or daughter. Women are usually more picky than men! (I know I am pickier than my husband!) and womans clothing usually have more pattern and color than mens. (In the photo below they started with the mom’s outfit and went from that.)
COMPLIMENT DON’T MATCH. Coordinating doesn’t mean you have to exactly match! If you end up matching exactly, it makes it look more like you are all wearing a “uniform” rather than you are just complimenting each other. I love when my families wear different shades of the color instead of the exact color. Both mother and daughter are wearing blue, but in different shades.
In this photo you will see that none of the outfits are the EXACT shades. They all go together beautifully and are in the same family. -
CONSIDER YOUR HOME DECOR. If your home decor is very light and white. I would suggest not wearing black or dark colors for your session.
BE COHESIVE. If one family member is wearing shorts and tennis shoes, it is probably best if you are not wearing a ball gown with heals.
WEAR TEXTURES! when you mix textures it makes your photos more interesting. (cable knits, chambray, lace, fur, sheer, jean)
BE CAREFUL WITH PATTERNS. Don’t be afraid to do patterns. I love the way they look. Just be careful with overdoing it. Try one statement piece. I usually say the bigger the pattern is the better.
FITTED CLOTHING. Fitted does not mean tight. It just means that it is not baggy or loose. Fitted clothing looks put together. (if you would like to wear a more loose fitting item make sure the other one is fitted) For instance, a loose fitting/blousy shirt with a pencil skirt or skinny jeans. If you are wearing a flowy skirt, I would wear a fitted top.
NO NEON COLORS OR ATHLETIC WEAR . Neon colors cast weird colors on the skin tones. As much as everyone loves their yoga pants and workout shoes, it is probably best to leave those at home during family photos.
Don’t be afraid to ACCESSORIZE! Hats, scarves, headbands, jewelry. It all adds so much interest to the photos.
MAKE SURE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE. Everyone has certain things that they look great in. For instance, if you hate your arms, don’t wear a sleeveless top, even though you love the print of the shirt. Wear something you feel comfortable and confident in. You don’t want to be tugging and pulling the whole shoot. If you love what you are wearing, it will show in the photos! <3
BONUS TIP! Wear something flowy for extra pretty and romantic photos.